Islam – the eBook

Islam Online:
Supplementary Reading List

A few items of bibliography that are not in the book.

McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, general editor (2001-2006) Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an, 5 volumes, Leiden: Brill. A good source for recent scholarly work on a wide range of topics.

Taha Husayn, An Egyptian Childhood, trans. E.H. Paxton, London: Routledge & Sons, l932. The first volume of autobiography; the doyen of Egyptian literature for much of the twentieth century describes his experiences as a blind child in a village.

Amin, Ahmad, My Life, trans. I.J. Boullata. Leiden: Brill, l978 (Arabic edition, l952). (CT2718 .A286). Autobiography by another prominent Egyptian intellectual of the first half of the 20th century.

Sayyid Qutb, A Child from the Village, translated by John Calvert and William Shepard. Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A.: Syracuse University Press, 2004.

Stratton, Allegra (2006) Muhajababes, Melbourne University Press. Discusses the “muhajababes” mentioned in passing in chapter 15 of the book.

Vogt, Kari; Larsen, Lena and Moe, Christian, eds. (2009) New Directions in Islamic Thought: Exploring reform and Muslim Traditions, London, New York : I.B. Tauris,. Has selections by several of the thinkers mentioned in the section on Liberal/Progressive Islam in chapter twenty and others like them. (I have not had the opportunity to look at this book but it appears very promising.)

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